May 27, 2007

Mixed Message

We went to visit the Statue of Liberty yesterday and waiting in the loooong line in Battery Park, I saw this guy.


What made it even more of a mixed message was the police officer that walked right by him and didn't say anything!!!

As an aside, I felt awful for that big old dog. It was about 90 degrees and that thing looked so uncomfortable in all that fur!

May 25, 2007

No Sens!

Hmmm, this sign doesn't make sens to me!

Is it a new kind of toy?

(if you aren't sure what it is, email me and I'll tell ya! funnipharm AT Gmail dot com)

May 24, 2007

It's Snowing!

Snowing Blossoms out

This is a view out the front door, right after a rain with cherry blossoms in full bloom.

May 22, 2007

Mixed Messages

I am headed out of town tomorrow, so I thought I'd leave a new idea before I go. I call it "Mixed Messages." Think signage gone awry, billboards that have been messed with, or just public messages you find amusing. I hope you guys are into it!

I would measure my elf, but I think he ran off with my tape measure.

May 20, 2007

Obstructed view

I could have stood up and taken the picture so that you could truly see the "view" (which is of a couple of houses on the other side of one of the three roads leading to the famed seven-mile stretch of "white, sandy beach"), but I thought it might be more fun for you to see what I actually see every day - my children's art.

The stuff on the windows is "paint." It's called "window cling" paint, and we trace a picture with one color onto a plastic baggie, let it dry, and then go back and fill in the outline with another color(s). When the paint is completely dry it peels right off the baggie, and we can stick it to the windows. All of the pictures on this window were hand-drawn by my nine year old and "painted" by her and her sisters. We usually change the scene with the season.

I think it's a lovely view. What do you think?

May 19, 2007

My view

The view out my back window. The one I see the most, as it is in a direct line from where I sit at my computer.

Looks nice, eh? Not so much in the winter. There are no leaves and all I can see is the back of the house across the lot....sigh...

View From My Window

This is the window where my computer sits. That's a Bayberry bush and if I had been on the ball a week ago and snapped this photo, you could have seen it in riotous bloom, covered in tiny, sweet smelling white flowers. It's nice to sit here, the bush provides shade and fun for the birds. But I would rather have this view.

This is out my sunroom window, looking onto my bird feeding stations, lots of green and a nice quiet spot for sitting, relaxing and dozing off. The Hawthorn tree on the right is in full bloom; natures big joke I like to call it. Blooms beautifully but smells like old laundry.

May 18, 2007

View From My Window

And for my inaugural post...

Hello Suburbia!

Through the screen you can see the tiny tree in our front yard (because most full grown trees were plowed down to build this subdivision), the across the street neighbor's fuel efficient compact car, our traditional mailbox (sadly, the flag is not up), and a glimpse of my irises. I planted two bulbs two years ago and they have exploded out control.

May 17, 2007

from my window

Here is the view out my front window. I love my house sooo much!!! Moved here from Chicago, where the view was rather "Honeymooners". Now, we have 1.5 acres on the edge of town... ah! For less than we paid in rent in Chi-town!! Here's to the country life...

room with a veiw

May 15, 2007

View From My Window

Why it's Clancy's Pub and attached liquor store!


Classy! Clancy's Pub comes fully equipped with scantily clad women "dancing" and serving drinks. County regulations are in place so that their tops and bottoms stay in place.

View from.....

While this is not technically a view from my window, it is a view from my sister's bedroom window in their new house and it was too pretty a picture not to share with you all! This is the city of Bangor in all its springtime glory! Enjoy!

May 14, 2007

View from my window

I spend a lot of time driving around for my chillin's and so this is the view from my window...
Aren't you glad you aren't driving the KIA, I mean I am driving and taking photos...did I ever mention how safe I am? Anyway now that my computer is working I can post my entries, so here is one...only a few more to go.

May 10, 2007

Another topic

I have an idea for another aboout Weird and Wonderful? Something that you think is kinda strange or just plain old weird.

My Bridge.

This is a bit behind most of you, but here is bridge picture for you to enjoy. This bridge is in the city of Arona, Italy. Near Lago Maggiore.