Jan 18, 2007

Here's an idea

Stacie's trolling for subjects we can photograph. I don't know if this will work well or not, but here's my thought. All of us have cameras, right? Right. (No, I'm not going to suggest taking a photo of your camera. Hold on.) And those cameras have photographers to push their buttons, right? Right. Also, we've probably all experienced moments of feeling camera shy, right? Well, I have. So, the point is, I'm trying to turn us into the ordinary things that are in our own neighborhoods. But I'm not suggesting regular self-portraits. I think it would be fun to borrow this guy's idea and run from our cameras while they're taking pictures of us. It may mean that some of us have to dust off our owner's manuals and read up on how to set those timers on our cameras, but hey, it's always good to keep learning. Brain stays supple and all that. Stacie, is this a good enough fit, or too much of a stretch?

So the rules are easy. Set your camera's timer for 2 seconds then run as far away from your camera as you can. I think a good name for this subject is CAMERA SHY.


Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

this is totally bizzare! I love it.
very interesting idea.

Jessica said...

That's guy's blog is sooo funny! This looks like fun. I'm down! :)

Bezzie said...

I dig!!

Stacie said...

let's do it!

devilishsouthernbelle.net said...

I'll try, but I don't make any promises.....I only have a camera phone at the moment and I'm not sure how I can pull it off.

Geo said...

Hey, belle, what about asking a friend to hold the phone for you? She could keep an eye on a watch and take the shot after 2 seconds. Sorry, I wasn't thinking about cell phones. I'm still in the Stone Age, technologically speaking.

Zonda said...

How interesting!! Should be fun LOL!

joesepi said...

At first, I thought, "this seems interesting."

Then I went to his site and laughed my ass off.

Let's do it.

PS. I promise to get a stop sign soon too -- slacker!